Want to help us spread the love of improv comedy while meeting awesome people? Then, Volunteer with BIG!
From greeting patrons to selling concessions to running show tech, our volunteers are essential to keeping BIG running. Even better, volunteer hours earn you the following class credit:
10 hours = 25%
20 hours = 50%
30 hours = 75%
40 hours = a FREE class
If interested, please complete this form or email:

“I’ve been with BIG for about six years and in that time I’ve done just about everything from be a student, front desk volunteer, host, light and tech guy, performer, director, coach, teacher and occasionally janitor. I’m proud to have done all those things with BIG. I’ve met the most wonderful, weird and eclectic group of people who I never would have encountered without improv and whom I’m now privileged to call friends.”
Alan McCombs, Facilitator & House Performer